Arkivator Telecom Hungary, Mezökövesd
Arkivator Telecom Hungary is located in Mezökövesd in Hungary about 130 km and 1.5 hours north east of Budapest. The company has around 300 employees and became part of LEAX group after the takeover of Arkivator Industry in August 2013. The company has been in the region since the 1970 -'s and therefore Arkivator Telecom Hungary has a good local knowledge and experience of business in the country.
The company's core competence lies in the CNC machining and assembly with full responsibility throughout the value chain. There are a lot of vendors in the region that can accommodate us with the delivery of materials and services.
Production is from small items up to medium items and with volumes of medium runs up to high series. Our processes consist of turning in general, including turning with bar-fed machines, milling, grinding and assembly.
We produce complex items to customers in the automotive industry, other industries, and telecom industries.